• The Herb Garden

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    The Herb Garden is a Certified Organic Herb Nursery, established by Denise Dunne in 1995.

    Our Irish produced Seed Collection range includes Culinary Herbs and Salads, Medicinal Herbs and Tea Herbs, and Cottage Garden Flowers and Native Irish Wildflower seeds to attract butterflies, bees, birds and beneficial wildlife and pollinators to your garden.

    All seeds are Certified Organic. Organic Trust Licence:140. IE-ORG-03.

    Gift vouchers are available for Seed Collections, Online Classes, Foraging Walks or Herb Garden Design consultation services.

    Coming Soon… Online Courses on all aspects of growing and using herbs and native Irish wild plants for food and medicine. Follow us on Social Media and subscribe to our newsletter for more details.

    Contact details:

    The Herb Garden
    County Dublin